2022 - now
Scars of a lost Humanity

The realization that even people living in war are incapable of realising the horror of what is happening, because it is impossible to live with. Literally, it’s impossible to live with. And when you take a photograph, you always analyse whether it’s enough: does this photograph show what happened here? But it’s impossible. Because, the fear, the willingness to die, the pain of people who were eyewitnesses or who suffered at the hands of the Russian military, the bravery and courage of the defenders, are impossible to convey or describe. It smells different, the war smells, you know. You’re literally walking through shell casings, shards of people’s homes, kids who look like they’ve lived a few lives. And they lived, and they saw things that no one should see. It frees you up as a photographer because whatever you do, it won’t be enough.